Managing forests in the 21st century

Forest ecosystems, their products and services play an important role in achieving ambitious climate change mitigation objectives at the same time requiring profound adaptation to climate change. Forest management schemes to support climate action have to be developed within their regional context but also have to be aligned with national or EU-level climate, forest and sustainability policies.

The conference on "Managing forests in the 21st century" is the final conference of the FORMASAM (EFI Network fund recipient), REFORCE and FOREXCLIM research projects. The conference will bring together scientific experts on forest management from all over Europe facing very specific management challenges. The aim is to discuss and improve the understanding the role of forests and forest management in the context of climate change. The conference will address climate change impacts, as well as needs for mitigation and adaptation especially with regard to the following scientific questions:

1. What are the impacts of climate extremes and disturbances?

2. What are the management challenges (and options) for resilient forests?

3. What can we do to increase the contribution of forest management to climate change mitigation?

The conference is open to citizens and society at large and we especially welcome scientists, policy makers, environmental NGOs and other professionals working in the field of forest management and climate change. If you are using social media, please use the #21centuryforests.


Potsdam, Germany